Wednesday, May 21, 2014


It is well over two years since our cats died unexpectedly, three in the space of six months. Since then, I have resisted acquiring another cat. Its difficult to be away from home when you have pets.

 Instead, we took on a second dog, Midge. She is small and fulfills many yearnings for a lap-pet. It is easy enough to take dogs with us to our plot. 

But I have been overwhelmed at times by the huge hole in my life that only a cat can fill. 

These last two years have been the first cat-less life lived in at least 5 decades! 

Meet our new kitty, Gypsy. 

She was lost or abandoned by somebody and there is no way to track down her previous owner. No microchip. No lost adverts with photographs to match her appearance. 

She has fitted so perfectly into our lives and its as though we have always known each other. 

Yes, she has taken over our hearts completely!

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