Saturday, August 16, 2014


One of these "chain" posts came by on my email the other day.  One is supposed to name three things everyday, for seven days, that one is grateful for and on each day, nominate a friend to do the same for a week. After four days, I floundered a bit, but here they are:

A husband who is a best friend
Good health up until now
A small family of siblings and cousins of quality rather than quantity
I  can smell that Spring is in the air today
I live in the most crime free part of SA
A small group of friends of quality rather than quantity
I have enough for my needs and a little bit to spare for my wants
Tea and breakfast in bed every morning...I know.....damn spoilt!
The sounds of sea and birds from my open windows this morning
There is still freedom of speech in SA
Opportunity to work with children (one is scared to say that these days!)      
There is still freedom of religion in SA    
A two day working week despite being greatly financially poorer for it
Pets who have great personalities and who love me unconditionally
Winter afternoon sunshine on my bed
I don't live in a war zone
I awoke to a new day this morning
I do not have children in this world, which frees me from that kind of worry and anguish (can a negative be a positive?)
Time and opportunity to help others if and when  I feel that desire

My gratitude is all pretty selfish and relates to spoilt me rather than to the bigger picture. As they say: Different strokes for different folks.