Sunday, July 17, 2011

Colour me Real

A friend asked me why I did not use the original colours in my header photo. I thought I  would use the colours that I imagine a Mad Dog would see.  However,  the original photos are actually lovely and all taken on the same day with a nearly setting sun breaking through heavy cloud to illuminate fields and hills around "The Plot". No Photoshop was used at all. Just a really lucky moment of lighting and having the camera handy and charged batteries for a change.

This one was taken a few moments later when the glow  had really intensified. 
A golden moment!             (c)


  1. We are both privileged to own a small piece of land there, aren't we :)

    And I see our little red roof trying to peep out in the background LOL

    I'm having withdrawals...

  2. Your red roof always looks so special in that scene and makes the viewer imagine all sorts of country living delights going on there. It would be lovely for us to see it everyday of the year!
